I was curious to know if after so obviously conquering his food issues (he looks fabulous), did he still have food demons and did he have to fight them everyday. Frank was quite candid and basically said that once he was honest with himself and knew how much he had to eat to be happy, he was able to keep a check on things. Incorporating exercise into his daily routine to offset his calorie count and controlling the size of his portions were key.
Someone asked what his favorite assignment was and he said he
didn't have one, but did have a least favorite...being a campaign correspondent. He said it was a tough assignment, very regimented and was quick to say that the candidates did lead a tough life during the trail. Another question was what were the consequences to a restaurant and/or to him if he gave a scathing review. The answer was interesting. If the restaurant is well established and is more about "the scene" then not much. He used Cipriani as an example saying that they were more about being a "club house" so his review was not detrimental. His main responsibility was to his reader and he felt that people were going out and spending good money to enjoy a meal and they deserved his honest critique. He said that his consequences were minimal and shared a story that one unhappy restaurateur took out a full page ad, opposite his review, pretty much saying that Frank didn't know what he was talking about. Frank was good humored about it and said that they were entitled to their opinion too.
He spoke lovingly of his grandmother and mother and the two passages he read (very entertaining) from his book were of these two influential women. Someone asked if Frank had visited his grandmother's hometown in Puglia and he said that he did and was treated royally. So much so, that he doesn't like to let them know when he's in town so as not to put them out.
Frank's dad was also in attendance and after spending an evening listening to his sons delightful stories and heartfelt answers, I'm sure he was extremely proud of him. When the Q & A was done, Frank was at hand to autograph his books. I told Frank that I would be blogging about the event so my inscription said "Keep on blogging and eat right!" I will make sure to remember those words of wisdom every day!
You can catch more, Authors @ The Library, by clicking on the link. If you're a Twilight Zone fan, Rod Serling will be the guest author tomorrow night, Wednesday, August, 4th.
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